Meta Build
MetaBuild is the top-level object, which has one or more Projects.
Create a subclass of MetaBuild.
Call rootProject e.g. :
val root = rootProject().apply {
application( "mypackage.MyApplication" )
kotlin().apply {
implementation( ... )
implementation( core ) // See note below.
defaultTasks( "installDist" )
If your project has subprojects, create a project for each of them. e.g. :
val core = subProject( "core" ).apply {
kotlin().apply {
implementation( ... )
NOTE. In this example, the root project has a dependency on the core
subproject. Therefore, core
must be declared before root
Finally, build the gradle scripts using buildGradleScripts.
Take a look at Example's source code, or metabuild.feather
in this project's root folder.
Builds build.gradle.kts
for each Project, as well as a single
file and a single settings.gradle.kts
If your project already contains a gradle wrapper, then this updates it to the default version of gradle. Otherwise, it adds the gradle wrapper (The command gradle
must be on your path).
If your project already contains a gradle wrapper, then this updates it to the specified version of gradle. Otherwise, it adds the gradle wrapper (The command gradle
must be on your path).
Specifies which version of the Kotlin plugin to use by all projects. Note, if you prefer, you can set this on a per-project basis using Project.kotlinVersion.
Stores meta-data used by Project.publishing.
Define which repositories to use for all projects.
Declare the root project.
Declares a subproject.
Sets the JVM toolChain version for all projects. If this is omitted, then defaultToolChain is used.